Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Purpose of the Spirit’s Revelation of Personal Sin

SIN is the friend of the person of God… it reveals opportunities for growth.
But only through the Holy Spirit does such revelation as an opportunity come.
We need not be discouraged when we sin. Rather, we are to thank the Holy Spirit for revealing our lack so we might repent and grow.
The purpose of the Spirit’s revelation of our personal sin is to highlight exactly how and when we have strayed from God’s holy objective in our lives. This happens numerous times every single day. It is nothing that should disappoint us, barring the momentary shame that is right when our flesh is mortified in the sight of truth that we are not God.
I spoke out of turn with my father-in-law only last night, bringing a fellow brother into judgment, because my motive was for a petty personal vindication. The Holy Spirit showed me this morning that there was no need to highlight such a point; this revelation was about my flesh need to be treated nicely. But the disciple of Christ can never expect to be treated nicely when their example of love is the cross. They are to love despite what treatment they get, and love all the more when treatment is harsh.
The very good thing about such revelations is this: they remind us that we are not God and never will be; that we will ever need to depend on the Spirit as our only guide.
True discipleship is being aware of God’s otherness to such an extent that we are constantly learning of his otherness. It’s, appositely, the practice of not feeling condemned when we are reminded of his otherness. We are at one and the same time reminded of his grace!
True discipleship is in amplifying the divine tension between our sin and God’s grace.
The more we are brought face to face with our sin, whilst at the same time, we magnify the all-pervading grace of God, the more we stand amazed by the love of God.
We have this privileged life as believers: nothing we think is harmful is actually harmful at all, so far as the relational life is concerned.
God wants us empowered by truth and, hence, willing and able to love.
We need not be discouraged when we sin. Rather, we are to thank the Holy Spirit for revealing our lack so we might repent and grow.
© 2015 S. J. Wickham.

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