Saturday, August 14, 2010

Every Moment Counts – Even the Dark Ones

“Love the Moment. Flowers grow out of dark moments. Therefore, each moment is vital. It affects the whole. Life is a succession of such moments and to live each, is to succeed.”

~Cortia Kent.

There is so much truth-based power inherent in this bunch of sentences. It transforms our conception of what ‘success’ truly is, if we can accept it.

The darker moments, for those of us who’ve lived through them, can seem so dark that there appears absolutely no point to them. It’s only afterwards that we can see... and this is much akin to the Lord’s discipline as purported in Hebrews 12:4-13. If we can just stomach the close similarity between the dark time (that’s not from our fault) and the discipline that comes (from those that are our fault) we’re far better off.

God is making good out of everything we suffer well; both out of the consequences of our actions, and in the inequities of life. Both these are accorded the same blessing for our God-submitted right response.

When we arrive at this point—accepting all our moments, equally, however they’re delivered to us—we can at last see that we’re succeeding in life, but not by the measures of the world; more to the measures of God.

The eternal measures can’t even be perceived here; but we know them by faith now, and we will know them afterwards—that word again—by experience.

Living each moment on each of its fullest merits is a Jesus-wisdom based on the strength of eternity—we’ll never wither and die. We will just on and on and on, in resilience and joy; that tranquillity of purpose hardly explicable.

© 2010 S. J. Wickham.

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