Monday, November 16, 2009

The Greatest Thing You Ever Saw

Right on the cusp of the present, yet weirdly not, ascending to the reaches of known reality, I peered down; everything I ever did right there before me, beyond emotion, flooded with uncontainable meaning, it was the greatest, most momentous thing I ever saw.

What must it be like at the moment or thereabouts after our deaths? Suddenly, everything we ever felt is forever different, transformed, and there is something new, now. Our experience in one realm is over, and another that’s only just begun beckons. We’re on an inescapable destiny. It takes us and we’re captivated beyond meaning.

It’s a destiny in time well within reach of all of us. This is where time defies us. It comes in a moment or not for decades—once it’s come, however, it never comes again. We make this journey only once.

No going back to sort old scores. No second chances. No tidying of chaotic affairs and tidings. This is one finality we’re sure not to wrest from the clutches of time.

And when we say this was ‘the greatest thing’ we ever saw, we don’t mean it was the best or the neatest—it’s simply the greatest for what it is. The passage of passages is occurring; an altogether foreign (or all-too-familiar) reality is born. We never thought it would be anything like “this.”

In truth, it’s beyond worldly comprehension. Sure, we learn of near-death or post-death experiences of those who, for a time, glimpsed the after-life. These people have fascinating insights. But, then there’s the experience itself; this is a journey of personal experience that lies just ahead of us.

Imagine for a moment what it will be like. Will reflection over the fact of our deaths do anything to change the way we currently live our lives?

© S. J. Wickham, 2009.

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